O Sino e a sirene
Memórias sonoras e transições do Ruído Sagrado
sound ecology, history of sensibilities, Sacred Noise, social historyAbstract
It is based on Schafer’s concept of sacred noise and discusses its occurrence in two geographically and historically distinct moments: the sound of bells in rural communities in the interior of France in the nineteenth century and the sound of factory sirens in a neighborhood of the city of Guarulhos-SP at the end of the twentieth century. It draws on Corbin's Les cloches de la terre for an analysis of the role of bells and on a narrative of the author's own experience to discuss the example of sirens. It is identified that, in both cases, the Sacred Noise is intrinsically linked to the social context and, particularly, to the current concept of time. It is concluded that in different ways and intensities in both locations the Sacred Noise influences the lives of its residents.
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