Aspects of Philip Tagg's methodology
Musematic analysis, reception test, aesthesic, poietic/aesthesic, muso/non-musoAbstract
Philip Tagg (1944–2024) developed methodological tools aimed at the analysis of popular music, taking into account interdisciplinarity and sociocultural contextualization. His main focus, since the late 1970s, was meaning formation from musical structures, with special attention to the association of music and image in mass media. This article presents a selection of structural aspects of the author's proposal from three of his main works, namely, Music's Meanings (2013), Ten Little Title Tunes (2003), and Fernando the Flute – Analysis of Musical Meaning in an ABBA Mega-hit (2019). Among the concepts addressed, the following stand out: museme, musematic analysis, intersubjectivity, interobjectivity, poietic/aesthetic and the neologisms “muso”/ “non-muso”.
TAGG, Philip; CLARIDA, Bob. Ten Little Title Tunes – Towards a Musicology of Mass Media. New York & Montreal: The Mass Media Musicologists’ Press, Inc., 2003.
TAGG, Philip. Music’s Meanings: a modern musicology for non‐musos. New York & Huddersfield: The Mass Media Music Scholars’ Press, 2013.
_________ Fernando the Flute – Analysis of Musical Meaning in an ABBA Mega-hit. New York & Liverpool: The Mass Media Music Scholars’ Press, 2019. 4ª ed.
_________ Analysing popular music: theory, method and practice, 1982.Disponível em
<>, consulta: 21.dez.2024.