Reflexões musicais e estéticas sobre a composição e gravação de Verão de 74
Cumulação, gravação musical, composição musicalAbstract
Nando Carneiro's record, Topázio features the use of electronic sequencing for real time performance along with a trio of musicians. Altogether with this choice, matters began to arise apparently little or not related the initial idea, however, those gradually reveal all connected to the first and each other. From the original scores, provided by the composer and the flutist, as well listening to the recording, I managed the analyze some theoretical points such harmony and metric in order to explain the musical complexion of the work. In this sense the piece Verão de 74 was chosen for it bringing interesting contributions, not only from a compositional point of view, but mainly aesthetic. Throughout this paper, the relationship between this piece and other thematic materials by the same composer will be discussed, in addition to formal analysis, in order to elucidate aesthetic issues, present in the recording. Such reflections are based on the theories of Peter Kivy, Tia de Nora, and Patrik Juslin, which also allow to go beyond the technological issues from the beginning and reach the expressive level.
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