The Sociomusical Projects: a Total Social Fact in the Spiral Flow of Time Between Roses and Thorns
Musical education and NGOs, Social projects, Social inclusion/exclusion, Pedagogical-musical processAbstract
This article constitutes an updated synopsis of my doctoral research (Kleber 2006), which delved into musical practices within Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs). The empirical field encompassed two specific NGOs: the Meninos do Morumbi Association in São Paulo City and the Villa-Lobinhos Project in Rio de Janeiro City. Both entities were dedicated to socio-educational initiatives committed to musical education for children and youth residing in urban peripheries and/or favelas of their respective cities. The research objectives were focused on comprehending the configuration of these spaces of musical education within the socio-cultural context of musical education, conceptualized as a social phenomenon. Musical practices were analysed through the lens of their socio-cultural constitution (SHEPHERD E WICKE Shepherd e Wicke 1998), with the pedagogical-musical process being conceptualized as a "total social fact" (Mauss 2003). This emphasized its status as a social phenomenon characterized by systemic, structural, and complex traits, and consequently, pluridimensional in nature. The generation of socio-musical knowledge within NGOs was perceived as a product of the dynamic interplay of social forces that carve out spaces for the emergence of novel forms of knowledge
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