A obra Nascemorre de Gilberto Mendes: memórias sonoro-visuais e a dimensão eletroacústica
Gilberto Mendes, Música Eletroacústica, Haroldo de Campos, VanguardaAbstract
This article has as object of study the composition Nascemorre, for Voices, Percussion and Tape by Gilberto Mendes composed in 1963, based on the homonymous poem by Haroldo de Campos. The objective is to analyze the score of the work, and find parameters of interpretation, including the technique of assembly of its electroacoustic part, until today unexplored. From a brief contextualization, the structure of the work is presented, trying to relate the instructions in the score with the sound-visual memories recorded by the author's biography. Thus, the technical aspect of randomness, microtonalisms, polyrhythms are combined with poetic aspects in order to guide aesthetic decisions in the elaboration of the unprecedented integral interpretation of the work, revaluing its electroacoustic dimension.
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