Comprender la música: ¿abstracción artística, entretenimiento académico o necesidad básica?
Importance of music, non-universality, intertextual analysisAbstract
This lecture discusses the notion of music as something between pleasurable and superfluous, a notion that is in direct contradiction with its importance in the reality of everyday life. After addressing this importance in quantitative and qualitative terms, and refuting the existence of “music” as a universal language, it argues the importance of understanding music as a basic need.
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Tagg, Philip. 2008. Intel Inside, video 11 :06, disponible en
Tagg, Philip. 2009. Epistemic Diffraction, video 29:26, disponible en
Tagg, Philip. 2010. Emmerdale Torino, video 8:41, disponible en
Tagg, Philip. 2011. Harvest Song from Bulgaria (Маджаре), video 3:36, disponible en