20th. International Music and Media Meeting: Fly me to the Moon! From independents to algorithms



20th MusiMid Meeting, Music and Media, International Meeting


This paper aims to present a review of the 20th Edition of the International Meeting on Music and Media, themed “Fly Me to the Moon: From Independents to Algorithms.” Held from September 11 to 13, 2024, in Santos, São Paulo, the event explored the Moon's symbolism as a cultural inspiration, addressing connections between music, media, art, and science. The program brought together academics, artists, and researchers through lectures, roundtables, and workshops, highlighting topics such as independent music production, artificial intelligence, cultural resistance, and memory. Featuring diverse thematic sessions, book launches, tributes, and musical performances, the event reaffirmed the transformative role of music in society. Concluding with a recital at the Coffee Museum, the meeting celebrated the convergence of tradition and innovation, establishing itself as a space for dialogue and cultural preservation.


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Author Biography

Paula Garcia, Universidade Paulista

Doutoranda no Programa de Pós-Graduação Stricto Sensu em Comunicação da Universidade Paulista (PPGCOM/UNIP), com bolsa PROSUP/CAPES. Mestre em Comunicação também pelo PPGCOM/UNIP (2022). Graduada em Comunicação Social, com ênfase em Jornalismo, pela UNIP (2011), formada em Arte Dramática pelo Teatro Escola Macunaíma (2016) e pós-graduada em Comunicação Pública (2019). Servidora pública desde 2011 na Universidade Federal de São Paulo, atuando no Departamento de Comunicação Institucional. Participante do grupo de pesquisa “Narrativas da memória: representações, identidades e culturas” da Unip.





How to Cite

GARCIA, Paula. 20th. International Music and Media Meeting: Fly me to the Moon! From independents to algorithms. Brazilian Journal on Music and Media Studies, [S. l.], v. 5, n. 2, p. 150–158, 2024. Disponível em: https://revistamusimid.com.br/index.php/MusiMid/article/view/233. Acesso em: 18 jan. 2025.