Eu não sou cantora. Eu canto.
Entrevista com Heloísa Castellar Petri na série Trajetórias, com integrantes do Núcleu Hespérides.
Heloisa Petri, Música vocal, Núcleo Hespérides, Música contemporaneaAbstract
This is a heartfelt tribute to Heloisa Castellar Petri, affectionately known as Lolô, who passed away on March 22nd. A versatile artist, she traversed various genres and styles within her repertoire: from the most well-known traditional choral works to chamber music, and delving into radical experimentalism with forays into media culture, such as rock groups. She was a frequent collaborator with Gilberto Mendes, Gil Nuno Vaz, Roberto Martins, and other composers who emerged from the latter half of the 20th century to the present day. She was also the founder of Núcleo Hespérides - Music of the Americas. The following is a transcript of an interview granted to Heloísa Valente as part of the Trajectories series, within the regular programming of Núcleo Hespérides.