Paredão 2.0 – social mutations in a post-Pandemic sound environment
Paredão, Party, Recôncavo, Culture, Social MutationsAbstract
This work results from research carried out within the scope of the Interdisciplinary Research
Group “Cidades e Festas” (Cities and Parties) at Cecult - UFRB, a project funded by CNPq
(20-20) which brought together researchers around the idea of exploring what the party, in
the analyzed contexts, makes “to happen”. In our specific case, we turn to the investigation
of the Festivals called “de Paredão” in the cities of Recôncavo da Bahia. The research
generated a first essay, published in the magazine Landa with the title “A cena do paredão:
festas móveis no Recôncavo da Bahia”(“The ‘paredão’ scene: mobile parties in Recôncavo
da Bahia”. With the events related to the Pandemic of Covid 19 , the scene change and new
factors come into play both in the musical and behavioral dimensions in the establishment of
these “mobile” parties, determined by a complex interaction between the institutional and the
desires to produce a space of essential connections that is the party
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